Minggu, 04 Agustus 2019

Jual Meteran Fiber Yamay0 Million Meter Level Measure di Malang


Hubungi Toko Karya Nusatama JUDUL, Untuk pemesanan anda bisa menghubungi sales marketing kami di TLP/SMS : 085740767348 / WA : 081339893673 atau anda bisa menirimkan e-mail ke karyanusatama23@gmail.com. Kami juga menjual berbagai alat listik, penangkal petir, alat safety, alat teknik, alat ukur, alat survey, alat geologi, sirine, alat optik, lampu emergency, alat hydraulic, safety shower dan lain sebagainya. Free ongkir khusus untuk daerah jakarta dan sekitarnya.

Jual Meteran Fiber Yamay0 Million Meter Level Measure di Malang

- STRENGTH is assured through an inner core of extreme tough Glass Fiber and an overlay of protective Poly Vinyl Chloride. The tape breaking point is more than 2,000N.
- ACCURACY is almost comparable with that of conventional steel measuring tapes. The tolerance on MILLION TAPE: within +-5mm in 30 meters long.
- LEGIBILITY is excellent as all marking are printed with ultraviolet-fixation permeating ink. Thereby, the markings are hardly come off for years of use.
- NON-CONDUCTIVE tape blade is made of two non-conductive materials which render the tape absolutely safe from hazards. The tape has a proven dielectric strength of 200,000 V/m.
- DESIGN, through long experiences in our own field, makes the MILLION TAPES series a wise choice for you.

KAMI MELAYANI PEMESANAN KESELURUH KOTA-KOTA DI INDONESIA Surabaya, Bali, Sidoarjo, Malang, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, Cirebon, Tangerang, Jakarta, Bandung, Sumatra, Aceh, Lampung, Medan, Riau, Batam, Jambi, Padang, Kalimantan, Samarinda, Pekanbaru, Bengkulu, Makasar, Sulawesi, Irian jaya,Papua, Bangka Belitung, Banten, Jabar, Jateng, Jatim, Ntt, Ntb, Gorontalo, maluku DLL

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